中國汽車廠商將借助商用純電動汽車(EV)在日本發動攻勢。東風汽車集團旗下企業等將向日本大型物流企業SBS Holdings供應1萬輛小型純電動貨車,而比亞迪(BYD)力爭使對日本銷售的大型純電動巴士降價4成。受全球去碳化趨勢的推動,大型物流企業已開始轉向純電動汽車,但由於日本汽車企業的行動遲緩,物流企業正在選擇價格低廉的中國車。如果行動遲緩的日本車企不能儘早捲土重來,日本國內市場有可能被奪走。
中國汽車廠商將借助商用純電動汽車(EV)在日本發動攻勢。東風汽車集團旗下企業等將向日本大型物流企業SBS Holdings供應1萬輛小型純電動貨車,而比亞迪(BYD)力爭使對日本銷售的大型純電動巴士降價4成。受全球去碳化趨勢的推動,大型物流企業已開始轉向純電動汽車,但由於日本汽車企業的行動遲緩,物流企業正在選擇價格低廉的中國車。如果行動遲緩的日本車企不能儘早捲土重來,日本國內市場有可能被奪走。
The Government today (October 8) announced Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050, setting out the vision of “Zero-carbon Emissions‧Liveable City‧Sustainable Development”, and outlining the strategies and targets for combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality.
In response to the Paris Agreement, the Government announced Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2030+ in 2017, setting out the decarbonisation target of reducing Hong Kong’s carbon intensity by 65 per cent to 70 per cent by 2030 using 2005 as the base, which is equivalent to a reduction in the total carbon emissions by 26 per cent to 36 per cent. With the implementation of various mitigation measures, Hong Kong is moving steadily towards the 2030 decarbonisation target. The carbon intensity in 2019 was about 35 per cent lower than that in 2005. Preliminary estimation shows that the per capita carbon emissions would be reduced from the peak level of 6.2 tonnes in 2014 to about 4.5 tonnes in 2020.
The Chief Executive announced in the Policy Address last year that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region would strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050. She also chairs a new Steering Committee on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality to formulate the overall strategy. To achieve the carbon neutrality target, the Chief Executive announced in the Policy Address this year that Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 would set out more proactive strategies and measures on reducing carbon emissions, and would pursue more vigorous interim decarbonisation targets to reduce Hong Kong’s carbon emissions by 50 per cent before 2035 as compared to the 2005 level.
Announcing the updated Climate Action Plan today, the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, said, “In 2019, electricity generation was Hong Kong’s largest source of carbon emissions (66 per cent), followed by transport (18 per cent) and waste (7 per cent). Therefore, our decarbonisation work should focus on these three key areas. Leading Hong Kong towards the goal of carbon neutrality, the new plan outlines the four major decarbonisation strategies and measures, namely net-zero electricity generation, energy saving and green buildings, green transport and waste reduction.”
The four major decarbonisation strategies in Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 cover the following targets and measures:
In the next 15 to 20 years, the Government will devote about $240 billion to take forward various measures on climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Environment Bureau will also set up a new Office of Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality to strengthen co-ordination and promote deep decarbonisation. Also, a dedicated advisory committee on combating climate change will be formed to encourage different sectors in the community, including young people, to participate actively in climate actions.
“Achieving carbon neutrality before 2050 is extremely challenging and requires the participation of the whole community. The public can contribute by practising a low-carbon lifestyle through energy saving and waste reduction and recycling, etc, in their daily lives. I hope that various sectors of the community will join hands with the Government to build a bright future together in a bid to strive towards the goal of carbon neutrality, with a view to achieving the vision of ‘Zero-carbon Emissions‧Liveable City‧Sustainable Development’,” Mr Wong added.
The Council for Sustainable Development, upon the invitation of the Government, conducted a public engagement exercise on Hong Kong’s long-term decarbonisation strategy, and submitted a report to the Government in November 2020. Mr Wong expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Council and different stakeholders for offering their views in the past two years, and to various bureaux and departments for their support and contributions during the preparation of Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050.
“Combating climate change is a long-term task that requires unwavering efforts. We will, in line with the spirit of the Paris Agreement, conduct a review about every five years to keep up with the times,” Mr Wong added.
Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 and its leaflet are available at the Climate Ready website .
在北美市場佈局逾20年的比亞迪股份(1211),據比亞迪北美公司官網最新公告顯示,公司與美國車隊服務Levo Mobility宣布合作,對方計劃在未來5年購買比亞迪5000輛電動車,以助車隊轉型。當中包括公共巴士、長途汽車、堆場牽引車、垃圾車、送貨車和校車。比亞迪預料可以從中受惠,降低其中車款的成本。
據合作協議顯示,雙方將整合車隊供應商Nuvve Holding的車輛至電網技術(V2G)與比亞迪的電池電動車技術(BEV),而車隊供應商的投資伙伴Stonepeak Partners、Evolve Transition Infrastructure亦需要幫助車隊轉型至電動車。
• 加強減碳中期目標,力爭2035年前把香港碳排放量減半(2005年為基年)
• 成立「氣候變化與碳中和辦公室」加強協調香港氣候行動藍圖所訂工作
• 成立專責的諮詢委員會提供意見,以及推動主要持份者包括青年人參與
• 香港深度減碳關乎三個重點攻堅範疇:淨零發電、綠色運輸及全民減廢
• 未來15至20年,政府將投放~$2,400億,推行減緩和適應氣候變化措施
• 開發電動車公共充電器位置手機App,便利駕駛電動車人士的充電所需
• 推動各種新能源公共交通和商用車,例如試驗以氫燃料電池驅動的巴士
• 以期2025年前確立更具體使用新能源公用及商用交通工具的未來路向
• 積極籌備垃圾收費,環保署接替食環署管理垃圾收集服務,增協同效益
• 引入「塑膠飲料容器生產者責任制」及管制即棄膠餐具,減少即棄塑膠
• 加強社區回收,如倍增「入樽機」回收飲品膠樽,以及增智能回收設施
• 新積極策略以加強保育濕地,提升生態功能,締造北部都會區優質環境
• 鄉郊辦跨部門合作小組,檢視鄉郊地區旅館/食肆發牌,促進低碳本地遊
現時電動車充電所需時間,依然無法與燃油引擎汽車入油所需時間媲美,不過充電樁廠商努力不懈研發技術,希望可以加快電動車充電速度。日前瑞士公司 ABB 宣佈旗下 Terra 360 成為全球最快的電動車充電樁,理論上能夠在 15 分鐘完成一般電動車充電。
顧名思義 Terra 360 能夠提供最高 360kW 輸出,不過現時市場上並未有太多車款能夠用盡這個充電輸出,例如 Porsche Taycan 和 Tesla Model 3 分別支援最高 270kW 和 250kW。Terra 360 的另一賣點是可以同時為 4 部電動車充電,能夠節省充電站的空間。
充電時間一直是新能源市場發展的痛點,而超級快充表示出現了這一點,解決了這一難題。在 4 月的汽集團日科技上,廣汽埃安更新了超級快充電池技術的研究進展,將6C-500km、3C-500km兩個版本的快充電池。而在廣汽集團2021年推出日活動上,搭載6C超級快充電池技術的AION V進行了現場充電展示。
資料來源:電子智造業 微信