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With the growing popularity of environmental awareness, the development of clean energy vehicles is a global trend. Many countries, such as Norway, Germany, and China, have announced that they will soon put brakes on the sales of fossil-fuel vehicles in a race to cut emissions and pollution. It is also the long-term goal of the Hong Kong Government to use clean energy vehicles, including electric vehicles, instead of fossil-fuel vehicles to improve air quality.

Following the recent HKSAR Government initiative for better living in SMART CITY BLUEPRINT to build Hong Kong into a world-class smart city, making the city greener, cleaner and livable, including promoting and popularizing green vehicle technology.

The Hong Kong E-Vehicles Business General Association (“HKEVA”) was established in 2017. “Promoting innovation, nurturing support and professional colleagues” has become our goal. We comprise a group of elites from the automotive industry, active participation of Legco members, power supply and distribution service providers, renowned multinational corporations, pioneers in EV charging solutions, Innovation and Technology Industry professionals, car traders, green environmental vehicle experts and smart city promoters including EVs users. In addition, vehicle manufacturers, well-known green environment automotive research institutes and various universities professors and academics are also invited to be our advisory team. We strive to establish a solid platform for discussion as well as providing information and advice to facilitate the building of SMART CITY BLUEPRINT particularly in Smart Mobility with Green environment for better using and running of green vehicle technologies in Hong Kong.

HKEV_weblogo_small  Perpeptual Honarary President

陳清泉 院士
Prof. C.C. Chan

Prof. C. C. Chan holds BSc, MSc, PhD, HonDSc, HonDTech degrees. Honorary Professor and FormerHead of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Hong Kong; Visiting Professor of MIT, University of Cambridge, etc; Founding President of the World Electric Vehicle Association; Senior Consultant to governments, Strategic Adviser or Independent Director of public companies and ndustries; Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, U.K., Chinese Academy of Engineering, IEEE, IET and HKIE. Recipient of the Royal Academy of Engineering Prince Philip Medal; World Federation of Engineering (WFEO) Medal of Engineering Excellence; Gold Medal of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers; IEE International Lecture Medal; “Asia’s Best Technology Pioneers” by Asiaweek; “Father of Asian Electric Vehicles” by Magazine Global View; “Pitamaha (Grandfather) of Electric Vehicle Technology” in India; “Environmental Excellence in Transportation Award” by Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE); published 11 books, over 300 technical papers and holds 9 patents.

HKEV_weblogo_small  Perpeptual Honarary Director

Mr. Jacky Coke

HKEV_weblogo_small  Committee 2024-2027

董清良 會長
Mr. Kent Tang President
龔華海 財務長
Mr. Raymond Kung Financial Secretary
劉國東 先生
Mr. Chris Lau Vice President & Chairman of E-Vehicles Charging Infrastructure Committee
吳福強 先生
Mr. Gary Ng Vice President & Chairman of E-Vehicles Innovation Technology and Marketing Development Committee
劉偉恩 先生
Mr. Lawson Lau Vice President & Chairman of E-Vehicles sustainability & Battery Recycling Development Committee
關耀強 先生
Mr. Ronald Kwan Vice President & Chairman of E-Vehicles Education and Training Committee
鄔鍵輝 先生
Mr. Cliff Wu Secretary (External Affairs)
朱明德 先生
Mr. Thomas Chu Secretary (Internal Affairs)
劉啟成 先生
Mr. Ted Lau Committee Member
紀瑞華 小姐
Ms. Agnes Kei Committee Member
林秀峯 先生
Mr. Jeffery Lam Committee Member
范國平 先生
Mr. Paul Fan Committee Member
陳偉欽 先生
Mr. Kurt Chan Committee Member

HKEV_weblogo_small  Honarary Advisors

劉健儀 女士 GBS, OBE, JP - 港區人大代表
Miriam Lau Kin-yee, GBS, OBE, JP Former Hong Kong Deputies to the National People's Congress
易志明 議員 SBS, JP
Hon Frankie Yick Chi-ming, SBS, JP Legislative Council Member -Functional Constituency - Transport
陳恒鑌議員 BBS JP
Hon Chan Han-pan, BBS, JP Legislative Council Member
Mr. Mok Wai Chuen
Former Assistant Director of Environmental Protection.
Mr. Mok Wai Chuen Former Assistant Director of Environmental Protection.
梁廣灝 先生 SBS, OBE, JP
Ir Edmund K.H. Leung, SBS OBE JP Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
何懿德教授 MH 香港高等教育科技學院 客席教授
Prof. Jackson Ho Yee-tak, MH Chairman The Electric Vehicle Education & Training Committee
陳紹雄 先生 JP
CHAN Siu Hung, JP Managing Director – China CLP Holdings Limited
袁松山 先生 董事總經理大通(亞洲)有限公司
Tony Un Managing Director Tai Tung (Asia) Ltd.
陳福祥教授 電動車教育及培訓委員會
Edward Chan The Electric Vehicle Education & Training Committee
余錦基先生 SBS, MBE, BBS, JP
Lawrence Yu Kam-kee, SBS, MBE, JP Governor, Hong Kong Automobile Association / SBI Development Co. Ltd.
熊永達 博士
Dr. Hung Wing-tat, MH Chairman, Hong Kong Taxi Council
潘志健 博士
Dr Lawrence Poon General Manager Hong Kong Productivity Council & Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems R&D Centre
李耀培 博士
Dr Ringo Lee Chairman The Institute of the Motor Industry Hong Kong
莫裕生 副主席
Wilson Mok Vice-Chairman Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Chartiy Foundation
陳文昭 先生 林寶堅尼 銷售總經理
Kenneth Chan Lamborghini Hong Kong General Manager - Sales
朱燦培 先生
Francis Chu, BBS HK School of Motoring Chief Executive Officer
李德發 先生
T. F. Li Automotive Systems Testing Center Ltd. Director
羅高明 先生
Law Ko Ming Honorary Advisor
羅少雄 院士 MH
Paul Law, MH Olympic (Motor) Group Chairman

HKEV_weblogo_small  Legal Advisors

Liu Shek David CPG Overseas Company Limited - Legal Division Vice President - Legal Department
Margaret Y.F. Cheng Lau, Chan & Ko Solicitors & Notaries Consultant
Alexander H.Y. Leung H.Y. Leung & Co. LLP Solicitors Managing Partner
Raymond M.C. Tam H.Y. Leung & Co. LLP Solicitors Head of Conveyancing Department

HKEV_weblogo_small Founding Honarary President

陳偉民 先生
Raymond Chan